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Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines | Last updated: March 01, 2024

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Post subject: Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines | Last updated: March 01, 2024 Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:42 pm
User avatar
Posts: 113
Joined: Sun Sep 01, 2024 1:23 pm
Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines

[*]As the audience of Warez-V3 ranges from minors (13 years plus) to adults, we ask that all our members refrain from posting adult material, pornographic material or anything that contains extreme graphic sex scenes.
[*] Political, religion, sexual or racist discussions are not allowed. Graphic material related to said matters are neither allowed.
[*]English is the only language spoken/written in this forum.
[*]Flaming/Spamming/Rudeness/Advertisement will not be tolerated.
[*]Post flooding is not allowed, so members considered as auto-posters must observe a 24 (twenty four) minutes interval between posts and messages. :!: (1)
[*]Please post in correct section(s), otherwise, posts can be deleted. Therefore, read the forum descriptions before posting.
[*]Please do not hijack other members threads by going off topic. Always stay relevant to the topic.
[*]Do not post adult or pornographic material (image, text, video, links, passwords etc.). This will result in a strong action (warning or ban) taken by Admin/Moderators.
[*]Do not use offensive text such as discrimination, racism, or swearing.
[*]Do not to post advertisements. Referral links are forbidden.
[*]Information is very important so please always add it to your post and include as much as possible.
[*]All links posted in the forum including IMDb and homepage info links etc. must be coded including internal links. Do not use URL or quote tags.
[*]All images posted must be wrapped in image tags. Do not hotlink images. Do not use URL or quote tags.
[*]Do not post hacking utilities, flooders, spam tools, virus making tools/tutorials, or anything that can do potential damage.
[*]Do not attempt to bypass our word censor, this may result in a warning or ban.
[*]All requests must be in appropriate section or they will be removed.
[*]Do not post your links more than once.
[*]Double posting: Posting of shares with the same topic/title/scene release but different links is permitted.
[*]You must comply with all of these rules when using PM, Avatar and Signature functions.
[*]Do not post any asterisks or any other weird signs to get attention for your post.
[*]Creating multi-threads/mega-threads is permitted. These are your responsibility! If you do not maintain them, the thread will be removed.
[*]Only direct download links are permitted. Surveys or polls for downloads are prohibited. Links to torrents are not allowed. Do not post exe files except when they are from the official website of the application's developer. However, URL shorteners and link protection services are allowed provided that they refer to direct download links.
[*]Premium links are allowed provided that a free link in the same filehosting provider is included in the post (no registration required to be downloaded), otherwise, the thread will be removed.
[*]User names must also comply with the forum rules. Email address as a username is not allowed. :!:
(*)Fake, temporary and/or privacy/alias emails are not allowed for registering in the forum. User's account which doesn't comply with this requirement will be banned or deleted. :!:
[*]Multiple registrations/accounts are prohibited. This will result in the immediate banning of all accounts. Posts associated with the banned accounts will be removed. :!:
[*]All members must respond to PMs from the Staff in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in posting permissions in the download areas being suspended until they respond. Chronic offenders will have their posting permissions suspended in the download areas permanently.
[*]"Mini-modding" is not allowed. If you find that any member is not complying with the forum rules please report him to the Staff.
[*]Members have the right to raise any situation and/or issue and/or comment and/or suggestion to the Staff, however, the decision of the Staff is final and conclusive and not up for discussion.
[*]Posts made in the forum are the sole property of their respective posters. Therefore, the Staff cannot be held responsible for them but can take appropriate action should any complaint arise. Members are reminded to respect copyrights. As such, any links or posts containing illegal material are not permitted.
(*)Uploader Template: Please use this template when posting content:
>Topic Title (To include its most common release name, date)
>IMDB link (when applicable)
>If possible include a screen shot
>Image Link to topic title to give a visual image of the topic
>Short Description to let the user know what the topic title is about

(1) Effective as from March 01, 2024


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"Quite a lovely animal, Captain. I find myself strangely drawn to it"
Lt. Commander S'chn T'gai Spock - USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
Star Trek - Season 2 - Episode 7 ("Catspaw", 1967)
Leonard Simon Nimoy (1931-2015)

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